Echoing with the global demands, The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities (earlier- Department of General Engineering) of this esteemed institution got started from the inception of the college. It combines faculties, par brilliance with best laboratory set-ups to provide students with excellent and all round exposure in theoretical knowledge and practical training in the subjects like: • Engineering Physics • Engineering Chemistry • Mathematics • English Language and Communication Skills. Knowledge in basic sciences forms the base of Engineering and this department aims to fulfill this function most efficiently. This Department is devoted to foster the fundamental principles and understanding of science to enhance the students’ basic knowledge of Engineering. Its objective is to provide value-based education to the budding scientists and engineers. The Department comprises of different subjects of study namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and English Communication Skills. The students of this department are highly benefitted by the knowledge and experience of doctorates of the department. Well-experienced and highly qualified faculty members of the department have made consistent and strenuous efforts to improve the students learning, research and development processes. Besides academics the department is actively involved in the development of students’ personality, communication and soft skills to boost them in the modern and globally competitive environment. The department has state-of-the-art laboratories and advanced department library facilities. It also encourages students to take up challenging projects and internships at the National and International level in order to fine-tune their technical skills. The department provides opportunities for them to join various student chapters such as NEN, SPIE, CII, Music Club, and Drama Club, Photography Club etc. in addition to other extracurricular activities like Quiz, Annual Paper Presentation Competition (SPECTRUM), Project Based Learning Competition and Robotics Workshop etc. It has opened avenues to promote Entrepreneurship among budding engineers and inbuilt in them the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. The department also helps the students to acquire English Communication skills to increase their proficiency in English Language which will enable them to cope up with the cut throat competition in the job market.